Falibu App

Mobile Application Development & Branding

In this project, which is a multi-platform fortune telling and tarot portal with iOS and Android based native mobile applications and website, we took care to provide an experience that will appeal to everyone interested in fortune telling, tarot and astrology.

Starting from the brand name, we have put the whole branding process aiming for the people who are into mysticism, tarot and coffee fortune by putting the target audience at the center who will enjoy experiencing fortune telling passion in a technological environment. We aimed to present a mystical experience in a technological environment that brings together the users who want to experience fortune telling services and fortune tellers who respond to fortunel telling requests, each of which can be implemented with different interactions within the mobile application. Activities such as interactive tarot fortune game, online coffee fortune sharing by uploading coffee cup photos were made possible in a fun and practical usage experience for users.

As a result of all the work, we developed a a resource planning interface where the commentators who feed this portal can enter their comments professionally for both a desktop web environment and a portal experienced as a native application on all the leading smartphones. Falibu team manages all activities within their dedicated resource planning system, while providing the platform with the best services for its users. They can easily manage the whole process related to website and in-app activities, services usage statistics, accounting transactions and fortune teller personnel through this system.

Falibu App