3D Animation & Industrial Animation
With the creation of an original and unique product for the lock and door security sector, Yuma Kilit has come to a need for a way to introduce the operating principles and advantages of this special type of lock in the most effective way. We created a 3D industrial product animation to best meet this need. The animation project has emerged to outline the unusual working mechanics of this special locked steel badge product, while at the same time being able to convey to the audience how effective this particular product is in terms of safety.
As in all our industrial animation works, we created 3D models by reflecting the exact dimensions, materials and properties of the product in this 3D animation project. By modeling all parts of the product separately, we have accurately simulated the working principles and the interaction of moving parts.
In addition to using this animation on its website and social media channels, Yuma Kilit also benefited effectively from indoor display advertisements in İkea and Bauhaus stores and in fairs it participated. With this project, Yuma Kilit had the opportunity to easily introduce this product to large masses and new markets and increase its sales significantly.